Pallet Tracker Blog

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Pallet Tracker Progressive Web App

Pallet Tracker now has a public facing Progressive Web Application (PWA). This application is specifically designed to be used by regular pallet users. The PWA is the next step in Pallet Trackers evolution.  Our PWA allows pallet users and site controllers to book...

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Pallet Tracker Collect App

The future has arrived. Pallet Tracker (PT) now has a Collector App.It's available on IOS and Android.   We have been working toward this for the past 3 years and finally it has arrived. The Pallet Tracker App is designed for pallet Collectors and pallet Owners to...

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Pallets are currency

Did you know that Pallets are currency? Before you get too excited also remember that most branded or labelled pallets remain the property of their Owner. Stealing them is an offence and you could be charged with theft if the pallet owner pursues you.  Just quietly,...

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